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Rachel Levin aka Rclbeauty101 onlyfans nude porn leaked reddit, only fans age photos video

Rachel Levin is an American social media star who is known for her "Rclbeauty101" YouTube channel. She started out as a beauty expert and soon began posting videos about DIY, fashion, food, and lifestyle. Her funny videos, especially the ones in her Expectations vs. Reality series, have made her very well-known. In September 2011, when she was 16 years old, she and other top YouTube beauty gurus were featured in an article in The Wall Street Journal.

Rachel Levin

Late in 2015, Zefr put her at the top of their list of social media influencers under 21. They did this both because of how many fans she has and how she interacts with them. In 2015, she was nominated for the "Teen Choice Awards" in the "Choice Web Star: Fashion/Beauty" category and for the "Streamy Awards" in two categories: "Breakout Creator" and "Lifestyle." The next year, she was nominated for the "YouTube Guru" category of the 8th annual "Shorty Awards." In May of 2016, she was on the front cover of the magazine Adweek. She has been on both The Steve Harvey Show and NBC's The Today Show as a guest.

Rachel Levin

The Star's Rapid Rise to Fame

Rachel Levin was less interested in sports and outdoor activities when she was a teen. When she was 15, she started watching a lot of YouTube videos. She watched so many beauty and makeup tutorials on YouTube that she often pretended to be a beauty guru while putting on her own makeup. She made a YouTube video of what she does in front of the mirror once she realized that it could be filmed.

Rachel Levin

So, on December 15, 2010, her first video, "How to... Cover Under Eye Dark Circles," came out. From then on, she kept posting regularly, and her subscribers liked what she posted. She not only posted beauty tutorials, but also comic videos about what teenagers expect and how they live. These videos got her a huge following among teenagers and helped her quickly gain a lot of subscribers. Her channel, "Rclbeauty101," has more than 11 million subscribers at the moment.

Rachel Levin

What's so great about Rachel Levin?

Rachel Levin's popularity has probably gone through the roof because of her ability to understand what her fans want and give them a lot of what they want. She is also good at finding her own niche, even though there is already a lot of content on YouTube about similar topics. From the start, she focused on making videos for specific groups of people who didn't have a lot of videos online.

Rachel Levin
Rachel Levin

She made her first video, which was about how to cover dark circles, for teenagers because she couldn't find anything similar on YouTube. She also makes DIY videos often to show her fans how to make cheap makeup products on their own. Rachel's sense of humor is well-known, and it could be said that her makeup tutorials alone would not have made her so popular. She is also not afraid to talk about serious issues in her videos. She put out a video called "I Am Ugly" that showed how women feel about their bodies, especially when they are young. Fans who have met her say she is one of the most real social media stars they have ever met.

Rachel Levin
Rachel Levin
Rachel Levin
Rachel Levin
Rachel Levin