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Jostasy aka Baby J, was born in the United States on June 17, 1997. She is a well-known Internet star, TikTok star, model, YouTuber, and social media influencer. People know her from the funny lip-sync videos she posts on her official TikTok account. At age 22, she became very famous in her country.

On her official TikTok account, there are more than 2.7 million people who follow her. Besides this, she and her boyfriend Candy Ken also made a YouTube channel.

On the channel, she posts funny Vine videos. "Baby J" is what people call her. She also advertises for different companies on social media.

Early Life, Childhood, Race, Family, and Schooling

On June 17, 1997, in the United States, Baby J was born to her parents. She comes from Ecuador and is white. Jostasy is 22 years old as of 2019.

Her father, whose name is unknown, works in business. She likes to eat food that her mom makes. She played with her siblings when she was young.

She went to high school in her hometown and finished there. After that, she went to college at a university in the United States. After she finished school, she became hooked on social media and used it to make a living. Jostasy has been interested in modeling ever since she was a kid.

Jostasy aka Baby J

Stats about height, weight, and more

The girl of 22 is very cute. In all of her social media posts, she looks beautiful. 5 feet 6 inches is a good height for Jostasy (in meters 1.67 m). About 121 pounds is how much she weighs (55 Kg). She stayed very fit and active and took care of her body.

Baby J likes to play with toys and wear cool clothes. She likes to shop a lot. The girl's hair is long and dark brown, and her eyes are big and blue. Most of the time, Jostasy wears bright colors. She doesn't have any tattoos.

Jostasy aka Baby J

Life outside of work, partners, and boyfriend

The cute girl's boyfriend "Candy Ken" has an affair with her for a long time. Candy is also well-known on social media and as an American rapper. They both make funny videos that they post on social media. Even she made a channel on YouTube called CANDY KEN & BABY J.

The couple told the press about their relationship. Many times, they were both seen together. Jostasy also enjoys going to parties and hanging out with friends. She loves going to get her picture taken.

Jostasy aka Baby J
Social media, videos, work, and wealth

In 2014, the beautiful girl began to use social media. In October 2014, she put up her first picture on Instagram. She became hooked on social media after that. In 2016, she began making videos on the app TikTok.

Like a fire in the jungle, her videos were shared a lot. Then she became well-known and started making money through social media.

Jostasy has a net worth of between $500,000 and $600,000. (as in 2020). After she became very famous, she and her partner started a YouTube channel and put funny vines videos on it. Most of her videos where she lip-syncs are funny.

She also worked as a model for different companies. Baby J also uses social media to promote branded items.