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You don't need any more words, right? Jordyn Woodruff has joined OnlyFans. Woodruff is currently making the Mean Girls and Obsessed podcasts for Barstool Sports. Woodruff was first hired by Barstool as a Tik Tok reporter in the underground. Dave Portnoy has paid a lot of attention to Mean Girls, which may or may not be a good thing.

The real question is whether this is good for her brand or bad for it. We're about to find out, though. In the most recent episode of KFC Radio, a lot of time was spent talking about the trouble with OnlyFans at Barstool. Jordyn doesn't seem to be the only Barstool worker who will join the OnlyFans army. It looks like Kelly Keegs is up next. Even KFC and Feitelberg are thinking about getting their feet wet.

This is a big step forward in the world of media. Do you think someone at a big network like ESPN would do this? We don't know what Jordyn will write on the account yet. I won't sign up for it, so I'll never know. But it's painfully clear that it will be too much for an Instagram account. I'm sure that all the losers will be all over this. Even the biggest fans of Barstool.

As of right now, Jordyn says there won't be any naked people. We'll find out if that's true. Will she keep doing that once the money from OnlyFans starts coming in? No matter what, this is a big deal in the world of media. How will the management of Barstool handle this? There are a lot of things that need to be explained. OnlyFans is here to stay, and that's the only thing that's clear.