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It was Danielle Bregoli's September 2016 appearance on an episode of 'Dr. Phil' that first catapulted her to popularity as an American rapper, online celebrity, and television personality. Her stage name, Bhad Bhabie, is an anagram for "bad baby." Bregoli, a Floridian by birth, became a national figure after appearing on the show 'Dr. Phil.' After her antics on the show went viral, the phrase "cash me outside, how 'bout dah?" became a catchphrase. Bregoli's music career took off after his participation. She's put out a bunch of singles, such "These Heaux" and "Hi Bich." Bhad Bhabie released her first mixtape in 2018 titled 15. She was up for the Top Rap Female Artist at the Billboard Music Awards, and she had won the MTV Movie & TV Award for Trending in 2017.

Bad Baby

Bhad Bhabie, real name Danielle Bregoli Peskowitz, is a famous American internet celebrity and rapper who was born on March 26, 2003. After making an appearance on the Dr. Phil show in September 2016, she became famous for the "catch me outdoors" video craze and catchphrase. By the end of August 2017, she had released her first single as a recording artist.

When Bregoli's terrible behavior got viral in January of 2017, she made an appearance on the television show Dr. Phil to discuss it in September of 2016. The episode and its accompanying video and meme became viral after she said, "Catch me outdoors, how about that?" (also written as "Cash Me Ousside How Bout Dah"). If the audience doesn't "pay her ousside," Danielle's mother says she'll attack them.

Bad Baby

Bregoli dropped her debut single, "These Heaux" (which she dubbed "these hoes"), on August 26, 2017. Bregoli's record's peak position on the Billboard Hot 100 was at number 77, making her the youngest female rap artist to ever make her chart debut. Atlantic Records signed Bregoli to an extensive recording contract after hearing the popularity of "These Heaux." Both "Roll In Peace" by Kodak Black and "From the D to the A" by Tee Grizzley and Lil Yachty were remixed by her in September of 2017. A single and music video for "Hi Bich" were released on September 22, 2017, and within 24 hours, they had amassed over a million views. Explore more on Unless otherwise noted, any user-contributed text on this site is licensed under the Creative Commons By-SA License.

Bad Baby

A look inside the private life of Danielle Bregoli

There are rumors that Danielle Bregoli has a close friend who looks strikingly similar to her, leading some to believe the two women are actually related as twins.

Formerly known only to a select few, Danielle Bregoli made headlines when she appeared on Dr.Phil, an American tabloid talk program presented by Phil McGraw. Since appearing on the show with his mom, Barbara Ann, on September 14, 2016, Danielle Bregoli has become quite well-known.

She earned a record deal with Atlantic Records after her debut single, "These Heaux," peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, and is now the star of her own reality series on Snapchat and a popular rap artist.

Bad Baby

Do we know who Danielle Bregoli is seeing?

Because she is more dedicated to her music business than to finding a boyfriend, Danielle Bregoli is now single.

She has been vocal about her bisexuality, dating her ex-girlfriend Gabb, and expressing an interest in men and women.

Bad Baby

How rich is Danielle Bregoli?

With a successful career as both a rapper and an actor, Danielle Bregoli is now worth an estimated $5 million.

Bad Baby
Bad Baby
Bad Baby
Bad Baby
Bad Baby
Bad Baby